Tuesday, June 01, 2010

loooong weekend!

We had a pretty fun weekend but boy am I spent!

We started early Saturday pulling the boat out of storage, cleaning it and doing all the routine maintenance. Saturday night was spent having cocktails and pizza while hanging out with my sister in law and my nieces.

Sunday morning Matt hauled the boat up to the lake and put it in while I made food to take to my brothers. Sunday evening was spent at a big bbq at my brothers eating and drinking watching kids running around and then a BIG bonfire after most the kiddos had gone home or to bed (except for my Aubrey... she runs with the big dogs)

Monday was supposed to be spent on the boat.

We got up early (for us) Got ready, ran to target for an infant life jacket and sped towards the lake. Unfortunately the weather had other plans. It was thunderstorming by noon and boating was done for the day. We stopped and got burgers to see if it would pass quickly but ended up heading home with a cranky baby. After a nap (all 3 of us) I managed to get my scrap on while putiing a dent in the huge stack of laundry that had piled up thanks to a weekend away. I finished my layout for Scrap that baby! just in time, Check it out! New prompt is up!

Now its off to bed with my sleepy head before I can no longer resist the urge to go eat the bowl if ice cream that is calling my name

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