So here are the rules! 1. If you've been tagged, you can put the logo on your blog. 2. Link the person from whom you received the award. 3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs. 4. Put links to those blogs on yours. 5. Leave a message on the blogs you've nominated.
East peasy lemon squeazy! Blogs I love (in no particular order....) 1. Kris Casting on (girl designed my rockin blog banner) 2. Michelle Confessions of a Scrapaholic 3. Brandy Brandy Productions 4. Rachel Memories of Mine to Thine 5. Christi created by coffee 6. Leah Not home alone 7 Staci Stop its scrappin time
I don't know why I'm still awake. I have to leave in 6 hours for a business seminar for Artistry consultants. (I don't know if Ive even mentioned it on the blog, but I sell vitamins, cosmetics and skin care. Anyhow... I'll be driving to Cleveland in a coma tomorrow morning. I don't do mornings... comes with being a bartender and working til 3am. It is only about an hour away and I have do have a few fun CDs. I'm going to have to caffeine up and hope it doesn't make my lead foot worse.
Matt was supposed to force me to go to bed at 1 but he is on the phone with our buddy who is in the Air Force. He's sitting in an airport here in the states waiting to get the plane home to FL. He just finished his 3rd term in Iraq. Id rather him talk to him. He hasn't been able to much in the last 8 months.
Man I am going to be hating life at 0700! I'm having a glass of wine with the hopes that it will make me sleepy. *fingers crossed* it will work. If I go to bed right now I will get 5 hours of sleep. That's not too bad. If only I was tired.
I know I know... another month without blogging. Feel free to punch me in the ovary
Football season is in full swing. This is the time of year where my life gets incredibly chaotic and crazy. I start working more hours... hell I sometimes work 30 hour weekends between home high school games, Ohio State saturdays and Browns/Steelers Sundays (and Im not supposed to work sundays but I have been) That isnt even counting Monday night football and college Thursdays. Thank God Im in LOVE with the sport or Id probably be alot crankier. Plus the money is there.... so I can save up to go to Hollywood next May. (among other things)
Scrappy time is limited though.. which makes me sad. Ive been working around it by staying up all night to scrap. Ive been starting layouts at 2am lately while catching up on my dvr. Late night tv has caused this song to get in my head....
Its the Pierces... its from the commercial for Dexter (new this sunday!) It isnt much of a video... just a slide show... but the song kicks ass. Its in my head constantly. I just got the CD (13 tales of love and revenge) in the mail this afternoon and it is awesome.
Almost as awesome as this months tally kit that the uber fabulous Christi designed. Im not on the design team anymore, but I managed to get 3 layouts and an altered project finished with it already. One is for Guttergirlz so I cant show you yet!
I wish I could tell you to go buy one, but its already sold out. You can however get some cool Christi stuff here